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February 18, 2025

Bolivar Co. Correctional Facility

Has recently received outstanding ratings in multiple areas 

By Mark H. Stowers, The Bolivar Bullet

The Bolivar County Regional Correctional Facility has been getting some good grades recently. According to Warden Brenda Cox, the facility’s kitchen was recently rated A+. 

“The Food Establishment Inspection was conducted by the Health Department and we received an A and an A+,” said Cox. “On the scoring, it’s either A, B, or C. But, the facility inspection where they document any critical violations, we got an A+. We exceeded expectations.”

She also noted the facility has received other high marks. 

“And there have been other events happening at the facility,” said Cox.  “On August 11 of this year, there was a panel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where we received our ACA Accreditation and we received 100% on the jail side and 100% on the facility side. We were very elated to receive a rating of 100% re-certification in its entirety for BCRCF. The staff worked very hard and long to achieve this goal.”  

Bolivar County Sheriff Kelvin Williams is proud of the facility and the ratings received.

“I’m proud of the hard work the staff does and the commitment they show to make sure we are in compliance and stay in compliance with Mississippi Health Department standards,” said Williams. “We work hard and continue to work hard.”

The facility has been quite busy with other projects, events and programs according to Cox. 

In regard to the educational programs at the facility below if a list of recent accomplishments by inmates. 

Forklift Certification – Eight inmates received forklift certifications during the month of August. Six inmates received forklift certifications during the month of September and eight inmates received forklift certifications during the month of October. 

High School Completion – Three inmates completed high school qualifications to received diplomas, one on August 31, one on October 11, and one on November 17. 

Smart Start Program Completion – Three inmates completed Smart Start classes to complete the program.

Alcohol & Drug Program:  Five inmates graduated on August 5, and seven inmates graduated on November 28. 

Twelve inmates graduated Anger Management on November 28. 

Two inmates graduated MRT (Moral Recognition Therapy) on November 28. 

On the evening of November 21, prior to Thanksgiving, “The Bridge” presented a program at BCRCF with Bishop Roderick Mitchell delivering the message. Various members assembled together, to include Timber Mosley, and provided music and a meal and presented a heartwarming program which resulted in seventeen inmates accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Various churches, sponsors and organizations in the Cleveland and surrounding areas have been very instrumental in donating approved Christmas care packages and greeting cards to be issued to all inmates housed at BCRCF. The items were issued to the inmates on December 18 and 20. 

“Sheriff  Williams, Sr., and the entire BCRCF staff and myself humbly thank everyone who contributed Christmas care packages and greeting cards providing charity and goodwill to the inmates during the Christmas holiday season,” said Cox.
