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February 23, 2025

Park Improvements Needed

The towns of Benoit and Pace request necessary funding

By Jack criss

The Bolivar Bullet

The specs and estimates for new park improvement projects for the towns of Benoit and Pace are scheduled to go forward through the legislature in the coming months. According to Supervisor Jarious Liner, $125,000 will be the amount requested for each park in order to have the necessary work done.

“I’m excited about these projects and what they mean for the two communities,” said Liner. “The specs and estimates are going to be sent to Representative Robert Sanders and Senator  Derrick Simmons. I’m confident in getting work started shortly after I go meet with them at the end of March.

Parks are crucial and necessary aspects of any town, providing recreation and exercise for children and their families,” continued Liner. “They’re places of fellowship and fun that our kids need for their full development–research has shown that. The improvements these parks will be receiving represent huge additions to District One and the entire county.”

Liner said that these two projects are similar to the $125,000 park improvement project  that was awarded to Duncan and that the Benoit and Pace work will be done, as was in Duncan, by Eley Mcpherson Engineering. The groundbreaking for the newly updated Duncan park will take place in March. 

“I’m told both projects will be green-lighted after I go to Jackson and meet with the necessary people to secure funding,” said Liner. “We’ll be doing full redesigns of both parks and modernizing them with new lighting, fencing, and playground equipment–a totally new, fresh look. Not only will these improvements be good for the children in the area it will also certainly boost community morale.”

Work will be completed on the Benoit and Pace parks next year, according to Liner. “It takes time, of course, to go through the necessary channels and have all of the moving parts in place to begin,” he said. “Getting financed by the Department of Finance, having specs and designs drawn up, starting the actual work, having the weather cooperate, of course. But, by next April, we’re hoping the jobs will be done and the citizens of both towns can start enjoying their parks.”
