662-843-3432       MAILING: PO Box 117, Cleveland MS 38732       OFFICE: 125 S. Court St., Cleveland MS 38732

February 18, 2025

Mary Claire Martin 

Cleveland native, Mary Claire Martin, has always had a love for art and an appreciation for local artists.

“I got a degree in Interior Design at Mississippi State University,” said Martin. “While I was getting my degree, I took some extra art classes on the side because I enjoyed them. I always thought they were fun. It was a break from all my serious classes.”

After graduating with her bachelor’s degree in 2024, Martin decided to stay in Starkville and get her master’s degree in Historic Preservation from Mississippi State as well. 

“It’s a lot of architecture, a lot of historic buildings, and how to preserve them,” said Martin.

Martin attended Bayou Academy and went to their summer art programs every year as a child. She shared she has always loved drawing, but she never did anything seriously until she began taking classes at Mississippi State. 

“For interior design, we were required to take a lot of art classes, mainly just to help us with creativity in our other classes,” said Martin. “But it really wasn’t until my freshman and sophomore year of college that I learned that I actually could do it.”

While taking drawing classes, Martin realized she not only enjoyed creating art, she was also talented at painting. 

“I got a watercolor paint set for Christmas my freshman year,” said Martin.

“I started painting my house, and I would paint little things around. That’s where it all started.”

As Martin got deeper into her degree, she began to paint more, mostly as a way to distress. 

“It took my brain off of everything,” said Martin. “It was very calming and relaxing, and after I started doing it for other people, it become very rewarding.”

Initially, Martin started an Instagram page for her interior design work, which many students do to showcase their designs “and get different firms and companies to notice them”. 

Martin said she decided to turn the page into her personal art business and started posting items for sale when she needed money for a mission trip during her sophomore year. 

“I just posted a few things for sale, and I got a lot of orders,” said Martin. “Then I started growing from there.”

According to Martin, she quickly started gaining followers from home and surrounding towns who wanted to commission pieces from her.

“Now the page is also somewhere for me to keep up with everything I’ve done so far,” said Martin. “I love looking back and seeing some of my favorite ones that I’ve done throughout the years.”

Although she doesn’t post everything that she paints, Martin said she appreciates looking back over the memories she has been able to memorialize for her customers. Her favorite thing about painting for others is when someone sees the final product and it brings them joy. 

“Sweet memories are my favorite ones to paint,” said Martin. “They remind people of different things that give them a little bit of joy in their life.”

According to Martin, it usually takes her about a day to do one complete painting. 

“It definitely depends on the picture and the detail,” said Martin. “Some smaller ones I can do in a few hours each, but the larger scale and especially people, usually they can take up to ten hours per painting.”

Martin said she tries to take her time with each individual project because she wants to give her customers something she is proud of. She wants them to feel they have spent their money well.

“I definitely try not to rush through it, but each painting is different,” said Martin.

According to Martin, she already has orders for Christmas next year, which is wonderful, but she recommends her customers commission pieces at least a month before they will need them.

“It’s hard to plan if you don’t have more than a few weeks, especially when I have to mail things,” said Martin. “It can get crazy at times, especially around Christmas, but for the most part, it’s been really good.” 

Although she has used acrylics and other mediums in the past, Martin said her favorite will always be watercolor. 

“I just feel like the result is always really pretty,” said Martin. “It’s very light, and in my head, it just makes the memory come forth a little more than acrylic.”

Martin said she rarely does large scale paintings. On her page you can find watercolors on canvas as well as cowbells and Christmas ornaments painted with acrylics. 

“Originally, when I started the page, I did just paint some stuff and sell it,” said Martin. “But now I get pretty consistent orders. I wouldn’t say there’s ever a time where I’m caught up. Especially during school, because I do have a full time job and I’m a student.”

While she does focus mainly on her commissioned projects, Martin also frequently adds new pieces for sale to her Instagram page for people to buy as she creates them. She currently plans to have a few items posted to sell this upcoming Valentine’s Day and Easter. 

Martin said she wants her art to be affordable, and she works with people to make sure they are happy with the finished products.

According to her page, “art.by.maryclaire”, the price for a house portrait starts at $70.00, watercolors recreating a photograph start at $60.00, pet portraits start at $50.00, and faceless portraits start at $50.00. All prices vary depending on the size and detail. 

“I paint more pictures and representations of things,” said Martin. “I’ve always just wanted to capture, different moments and memories of people’s lives and just remind them of something they love.”

Every year, Martin said she does a fundraiser for a different local charity and gives a portion of her proceeds to the charity she chooses. In the past, she has painted ornaments and sold them around Christmas for that purpose. 

“I couldn’t have ever started this page without Cleveland,” said Martin. “I just appreciate all the people there, and everyone has been so supportive of me. I really have been blessed to receive orders and support around the Delta in general and that allows me to do what I love. I really am thankful for that.”

After Martin graduates with her second degree in 2026, she is not sure what her next steps will be, but she does plan to eventually make her way back to Cleveland.

“I love my family and I love being around them,” said Martin. “So I want to be able to come back whenever I can. It’s a special place.”
